Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blind Date

At the library, my stepdad always checks out the special selection of themed books at the front desk. Sometimes it's mysteries or spooky stories or all vampire related. This time it was just a bunch or books wrapped in brown paper. A blind date with a book. Pick a book, read it, you may love it or hate it, fill out the review form. I didn't exactly want to do it, but I was coerced.

Of course, there were barcodes on the wrapping so we could properly check them out. So we both knew our titles. Girl in the Hyacinth Blue for him. Pontoon: a Lake Wobegon Novel for me. We both laughed desperately hard that he got stuck with some crappy romance novel while I got a book that started with the line (paraphrased): Evelyn was an insomniac do when they say she died in her sleep you had to wonder.

That first line certainly drew me in, but while the book wasn't necessarily bad, it didn't live up to its opening. It was just an every day story about an eccentric little town and two event colliding into chaos. The type of movie I quite like, but something that has never really worked for me when I read it.

Still, I think it was a brilliant idea on the part of the library, and if thy do such an event again, I will still take place. Who knows? I may find the book I've been missing my whole life.

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