Monday, March 25, 2013

Perceptions of Self-Injury

I watch a lot of television. Too much, honestly. I watch Buffy with my mother. Honestly, the most painful thing for me on the show is in the first episode of the series, when Buffy lands on her back along the side of a tomb and bends in half basically. Every time I see that, I cringe. (I'm also shudder-y towards ankle injuries, having a weak ankle myself and knowing how much it hurts.) However, the one scene in the entire seven seasons of the show that makes my mom say "ow!" every single time we watch it, is when a young man is carving a demon's initial into his arm. All the pain, the fights, the stitches, the broken bones, the eye gouging, the flaying in the show and my mom is most turned off by someone who inflicts the pain himself.

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