Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Love With Food: November

It's been a while since I've posted about Love With Food, a wonderful program that for $10/month, you get a selection of  healthy food samples and a meal gets donated to a hungry person in America. And I've been keeping up with it, perhaps the one subscription that I do keep up with, just because it's been for a good cause and I don't feel bad for spending money on food, something I need to get by in life (unlike say, shoes). That said, the last few months, I wasn't overly impressed with what I got in the last few boxes. I did get to try one thing I'd seen in the store but had been to scared to try, and was pleased to find that I liked it. But I got several items of food that were flat-out unbearable, both of sweet and savory natures. I'd take one bite and not be able to go on. There were several things I just haven't known what the heck to do with them. I wish items like that came with recipe suggestions. I was losing faith, and then I got my November box.

I took my box to Kendra's to open it, and the first thing I tore into was the Sweet Potato Chips. Because for the past three years, I have hated all things sweet potato, but I know she's generally a fan. I actually really liked them, and she said they were better than ones she'd tried before. Then we warily tried the Sweet Corn Crunch. It was literally just dried corn, and it was a little weird, but it was so tasty, even Elena didn't mind sharing with us. Definitely a good snack. And lastly we tried the Tuxedo Popcorn, which I was especially excited about, as it hails from Seattle. Every bit as good as it sounds. I love sweet popcorn that's not too sweet.

At home with my momma the first thing we tried was the Rosemary & Pink Sea Salt Shortbread Cookies. They smelled very strongly, but tasted just like regular lovely shortbread cookies, and we were both pleased with them. Then we split the Apricot & Almond Bar, which she was just so-so about, but I loved it. It's so hard to eat snack bars and feel healthy, but it wasn't too sweet, and it had good flavor. Lastly, we each had a piece of dark chocolate. Not as sweet as we were used to. Good, but we prefer our Hershey's.

The Thai chicken seasoning was delicious! I was so thankful for the recipe on the back of the packet, just so I'd have some idea what to do with it. I didn't entirely follow the recipe (1/2 cup ginger? are they crazy?) and just improvised here and there, but I think I made a fairly good dish. I didn't get any complaints to my face from Brandon, Shawn, or Kendra, so hey.

The only thing I wasn't really fond of was the Maple Fudge. I sent the tea off to my darling Holly, a far truer tea connoisseur than I could ever hope to be.

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