Monday, December 16, 2013

You Scream Like a Gun in the Night

It's been more than a year since the last time I saw Tyler Hilton perform. If you never got to hear that story, it's posted here if you wanna catch up on the hum-drum and the excitement of that night. It definitely had it's ups and downs. This one was much better in my overall day, but the performance itself was as beautiful as last time. And I was so glad to have someone to share it with.

I didn't take many pictures. In fact, I took just a couple, and only because the first ones turned out blurry. I did this for two reasons.
  1. I took such beautiful pictures last time, from the front row with a real camera. I knew that nothing my phone could take from 30 feet back would stand up to that same quality. Especially after the pics I took at The Pretty Reckless.
  2. Seeing people constantly on their phones at shows has become a huge pet peeve. I understand wanting to take pictures, even though you'll probably look at them twice in the next five years. I'm definitely guilty of being a photo whore. But then I see them instantly going to Instagram, Facebook and texting these pictures, with long captions, looking at their phones the whole time while the show is still going on. Wait until the stinking show is over! Pay attention to what you came for! I actually saw one girl taking photos and then leaning over to show them to her friend, who was clearly also at the show and saw the whole thing happen 10 seconds before. It's sad the way people can't live in the moment anymore.
So yes, Brandon and I were quite a few people back in the crowd. I just don't have the energy these days to rush the stage, plus, he'd block the whole world's view. It wasn't too crowded, so I was able to stand a few feet behind the next people in front of me and see over their shoulders, most of the time. Brandon kept ducking down to my level and rearranging me when he realized I don't come with a periscope. The opening act, Anna Rose, was good, and she was cute. She had her guitarist toss one free cd into the crowd, and said she liked seeing the girls in front struggle for who got it. She said her fear was that it would just fall to the floor and no one would care.

Tyler was the second act, and yes, I snapped one picture, because I didn't think he'd do his meet & greet until the very end of the show, and I wasn't sure Brandon and I were going to make it that long (we're so old, guys). While we were at the show, Christmas in the Bayou was premiering on TV, but Tyler said not to worry about it, as it was Lifetime, it would be on "twenty fucking more times" before Christmas, and also "for the rest of our lives." Funny because it's so very true. 

He decided to "hoe-it-down" for California, and played harmonica for that and One Foot in the Bayou, but then harmonica went away with no sign of Can't Stop Now, which was sad for me, as that's one of my (many, many) favorites. Further story on Jenny was she was a grade-A bitch, and needed a song to match her personality, and it was dedicated to her "wherever she is, whoever she's doing." Seriously wonder if he makes this stuff up just to make us curious about nothing. Either way, a good laugh.

Luckily, as soon as he was done with his set, he went back for the meet & greet, since apparently it would be a while before Howie Day was ready to perform. So I headed back with Brandon, who tried to duck out of line, because he was the only guy in it, but I insisted I needed a camera guy. Aw, he puts up with so much from me. Bless him. 

So I got up to Tyler and the first thing he commented on was my "retro" shirt... I bought it from his online store, but I guess it's not around anymore. After he signed it for me, he asked if I'd been out to one of his shows before. He vaguely remembered the tattoo idea, and was disappointed that the only open shop had been full of drunk people. Oh well, I'm happy with his signature on my shirt... and next show, he can sign my other one.

And yeah, we were beat, so after we (well, I) met with Tyler, we left content. I'm glad Tyler show sold Brandon on Tyler more than the cd we'd been listening to before had. I'm not saying he's got to be his biggest fan, but I'm happier to know he's enjoying these things with me.

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